Family safari in October, 4 great countries to consider

Ganders Travel : Lucinda

A family safari is a rich and rewarding holiday, with something for everyone across Africa. While the summer, Easter and Christmas holidays might be obvious choices, October half term is also an ideal time to enjoy a family safari. You’ll find excellent wildlife viewing and great weather, and some of the best countries for families … Read more

Wildlife areas in Kenya – 6 of the best

Winter Sun : Escape to Warmth

Kenya’s amazing wildlife viewing is renowned worldwide, with iconic destinations like the Masai Mara attracting visitors from all corners of the globe. However, venturing beyond these well-known areas to explore lesser-visited national parks can offer equally rewarding experiences. Here, we highlight some of Kenya’s key wildlife areas that deserve your attention when planning your safari … Read more

Special offer for amazing Zambia safaris.

Elephants drinking, Lower Zambezi, Zambia

Zambia is a beautiful, landlocked country which often flies under the radar of its better-known neighbours. That’s to the visitor’s great advantage as it means the pristine wilderness with its range of diverse safari activities and plentiful wildlife can be enjoyed in glorious isolation. We are delighted to be able to offer a 30% reduced … Read more

KwaZulu Natal – 4 reasons to visit this secret gem.

ThongaBeach HomePage Turtle - Ganders Travel

With its great beaches, majestic mountains, superb safari opportunities and fascinating historic sites, KwaZulu Natal is one of South Africa’s most enthralling provinces. Bordered by the towering peaks of the Drakensberg and a glorious 600km coastline it is home to a beguiling array of experiences. Here are my top four reasons to visit: Safari in … Read more

How to enjoy a riding safari with your non-riding partner

Riding safari with non riding partner

A riding safari is an amazing way to see the bush; silently traversing through the landscape and viewing wildlife from the back of a horse is an exhilarating experience. The horses are incredibly well-schooled, the guiding brilliant, and unsurprisingly a riding safari is often at the top of the wish list for experienced riders. However, … Read more