Special offer for amazing Zambia safaris.

Zambia is a beautiful, landlocked country which often flies under the radar of its better-known neighbours. That’s to the visitor’s great advantage as it means the pristine wilderness with its range of diverse safari activities and plentiful wildlife can be enjoyed in glorious isolation.

Kakuli Camp, South Luangwa, Zambia
Kakuli Camp, South Luangwa National Park

We are delighted to be able to offer a 30% reduced rates special to travellers visiting Time + Tide Zambia safari camps before the end of May 2024.

With options in three of Zambia’s key national parks this is a wonderful chance to experience the very best of all on offer in this stunning country.

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A classic scene in the Lower Zambezi with hippos and an elephant

South Luangwa National Park

Choose from: Chinzombo, Mchenja, Kakuli, Nsolo, and Luwi camps.

The South Luangwa National Park, often nicknamed ‘valley of the leopard’, is home to some of the highest concentrations of wildlife anywhere in Africa. With the Luangwa River at its heart, the park is home to a huge hippo population, plenty of elephant, lion, buffalo, crocodile, hyena, endemic giraffe and zebra, and plenty more besides. The birdlife is spectacular too. Alongside vehicle-based safaris, it’s a great spot to enjoy a walking safari and night drives, two activities that Zambia is particularly known for.

Lions in the South Luangwa
Lions in the South Luangwa National Park

Lower Zambezi National Park

Choose from: Chongwe Camp, Chongwe Suites, Chongwe House.

This pretty park on the banks of the Zambezi River offers amazing wildlife viewing from a vehicle, from the water, or on foot. Water levels remain near constant throughout the year, leaving fertile grazing for a variety of wildlife. Expect to see large herds of elephant, plentiful predators, including lion, wild dog, leopard and hyena, myriad plains species and amazing bird life. For keen fly-fishers, tiger fishing is an exciting activity here.

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An elephant testing the swimming pool at Chongwe River House

Liuwa Plains

Choose from: King Lewanika

Liuwa Plains is a true hidden gem, and one of the earliest protected wildlife areas in Africa having been designated a game reserve in the 1880s.  It has a huge amount to offer wildlife enthusiasts, birders and photographers alike. Liuwa is home to one of Africa’s largest wildebeest migrations, good numbers of hyena, and a growing population of lion, wild dog, and cheetah. It’s little visited, but those who do reach these remote plains will find plenty to enjoy.

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King Lewanika Lodge, Liuwa Plains National Park

Time + Tide’s stable of safari camps is among the finest in Africa. They range from simple bush camps to exclusive use private houses. Each offers an exceptional location, superb guides and a fabulous all round safari experience. Easily combinable, a stay in these camps affords the opportunity to see experience some of the best national parks in Zambia.

If you would like more information on Zambia, the accommodation options and this special offer please give us a call or email Lucinda to discuss your wishes. We would be delighted to help you put together a fabulous safari holiday.